Update : Sri Lankans world over celebrate the Sinhala and Tamil New year

Tuesday, 14 April 2015 - 8:40

Sinhala and Tamil New Year dawned today at 1.47 p.m.

Kindling the hearth was at 2.05 p.m.

The Punya Kalaya dawned at 7.23 am and ends at 8.11 pm today.

According to the tradition, you must stop work and finish taking meals before the “Punya Kala” begins.

First part of “Punya Kala” is allocated for religious activities.

Second part of the “Punya Kala” is allocated for the activities mentioned such as preparing meals, transactions and taking meals.

Attired in red and facing the East, kindle the hearth and prepare milk rice out of red rice mixed with sugar cane, jaggery and dee kiri made out of rice corn.

Auspicious time for first business transaction and partaking meals was at 2.42 p.m. today facing the East attired in red.

Auspicious time to apply oil on head is at 9.06 a.m. tomorrow facing the South.

Khomba leaves must be placed on the head and kolon leaves under the feet

Leaving for work is at 6.02 a.m. on April 22nd.

Leave after partaking of milk rice mixed with jaggery, sesame and sweetmeats, attired in light green, facing East.

Update : Tuesday, 14 April 2015 - 18:17

New Year dawns

Sinhala and Tamil New Year dawns at 1.47 p.m.

Kindling the hearth is at 2.05 p.m.

The Punya Kalaya dawned at 7.23 am and ends at 8.11 pm today.

According to the tradition, you must stop work and finish taking meals before the “Punya Kala” begins.

First part of “Punya Kala” is allocated for religious activities.

Second part of the “Punya Kala” is allocated for the activities mentioned such as preparing meals, transactions and taking meals.

Attired in red and facing the East, kindle the hearth and prepare milk rice out of red rice mixed with sugar cane, jaggery and dee kiri made out of rice corn.

Auspicious time for first business transaction and partaking meals is at 2.42 p.m. today facing the East attired in red.

Auspicious time to apply oil on head is at 9.06 a.m. tomorrow facing the South.

Khomba leaves must be placed on the head and kolon leaves under the feet

Leaving for work is at 6.02 a.m. on April 22nd.

Leave after partaking of milk rice mixed with jaggery, sesame and sweetmeats, attired in light green, facing East

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