USA tests a new high-energy laser weapon that can destroy an aircraft mid-flight

Sunday, 24 May 2020 - 16:53


US Navy have stated that one of their warships has successfully tested a new high-energy laser weapon that can destroy an aircraft mid-flight.

The Navy did not give a specific location of the laser weapons system demonstrator (LWSD) test, saying only that it occurred in the Pacific

The USS Portland (LPD-27), a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship, deployed its Technology Maturation Laser Weapon System Demonstrator (LWSD) to disable an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Images and videos provided by the Navy show "the first system-level implementation of a high-energy class solid-state laser".

According to the Navy, the weapon system is being developed due to "an increasing number of threats" that include UAVs, armed small boats, and adversary intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance system

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported that US President Donald Trump's administration has disused about conducting a nuclear test as a warning to Russia and China. The United States has not conducted a nuclear test since 1992

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