UAE lifts travel ban to all countries including Sri Lanka, from tomorrow (Video)

Sunday, 29 August 2021 - 20:28

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced that visas will be issued to fully vaccinated tourists from all countries starting tomorrow (30).

This decision has been taken in a background where Expo 2020 International Trade Fair, which was postponed due to the COVID pandemic, is a month away from opening in Dubai.

Another reason for this move is that the number of daily COVID infections in the UAE is now less than a thousand.

The official news service of the UAE stated that the opening of the country to tourists from all countries is expected to bring about a sustainable recovery and growth of the economy.

The new decision also applies to countries where the UAE previously imposed travel bans. Sri Lanka was one of the countries that had a travel ban imposed by the UAE.

The new decision will also allow Sri Lankans to obtain visas to travel to the UAE.

Those wishing to obtain visas for such visits to the Emirate must obtain the full Covid vaccination by the World Health Organization-approved AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer - BioNTech, Sinopharm, or Sinovac vaccine.

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