Alleged intrusive stop & search incident - Minister of Public Security Orders Investigation

Friday, 05 January 2024 - 20:46

Colombo, January 5, 2024 : The Minister of Public Security, Tiran Alles, has responded promptly to reports of an alleged incident involving an intrusive stop and search by the Police against two youths. Expressing concern over the matter, the Minister announced that an investigation was ordered on January 4, 2024.

Minister Tiran Alles has assured the public that if any wrongdoing is identified during the investigation, stern action will be taken against those responsible. The primary objective is to uphold accountability and justice in such cases.

The incident highlights the ongoing efforts of authorities to ensure the fair and respectful treatment of citizens during law enforcement activities. The results of the investigation are anticipated to shed light on the details of the alleged incident and contribute to maintaining transparency and accountability within the law enforcement system.

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